Adore anything by Paul Furber, but add Seth Rich, Big Dick Anon, salaciousness of the involvement of HRC, Epstein, Wikileaks, Assange, and a few of the usual suspects, you might as well be on the Orient Express in your very own murder mystery. Can’t wait for the big screen version! 🎥 🍿

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BD’s Seth Rich theory makes sense! BD said he uses disinfo to manipulate his enemies so you have to let the smoke clear to determine if it’s disinformation.

The Epstein Theory doesn’t make sense & there’s plenty of reasons why BD has to report Epstein is dead! Epstein was involved in lots of things like Atlantis, Artificial Intelligence, Pharma, etc… Far more than Human trafficking & Pedophilia. The AI, Bioweapons, & psychological warfare weapons alone are enough to keep him alive! Like the Nazis of project paper clip, Epstein is too valuable you can’t let him die or be captured by your adversaries!

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This is a great synopsis of the posts. Thank you Paul.

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BD isn’t anti vax he said Vaxed & unvaxed are in the same boat, then the cure Omicron came. I think Epstein is alive! You have a tendency to ignore BD’s info and BB said BD is Q! BD is Q? What does that mean? CIA said some Q members went rogue & the AI went Rogue! Will BD be overseeing Q? It’s my opinion Conservative Conspiracy theorist are being bombarded with Ant VAX data so they didn’t get the vax when they needed to. There’s always a risk when taking a vaccine, not everyone should get a vaccine & bad batches will happen! All that being said the Pfizer vaccine is safe here in America and you guys are way out of line suggesting millions will die in the future for getting vaxed. FYI at one point BD thought the Pfizer vaccine was the one to get!

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This post in re: the vax hasn’t aged well

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