I can be the Boss of Me, not you ! I firmly believe that President Trump has been on a mission to save Humanity since before 2015 . He came into the political arena on his own not with the pomp & circumstance of the RNC or the DNC, He paid his own way until the Primaries, He took no Pay, He fought political onslaughts against Him & His family everyday for 7 years now, He lost some of his personal fortune during his Presidency but, He Got Shit Done !!! I Salute Donald J Trump !!

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Thank you for making clear how it was his words that constantly get twisted. At the time I heard virus was not life threatening, I had a strong distrust in vaccines and there were other options available if you became very sick. I always figured there was more going on behind the scenes as to why he saved millions of lives and we would get the explanation. Your article is a common sense explanation and wish all those people that focus on him pushing the vaccine would stop and think logically. Have a very liberal friend who told me Trump said to drink bleach. I said no he didn't. She said I heard the interview, and I said so did I. Conversation stopped.

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Spot on Paul! The very reasons my wife & I remain unvaxxed. Besides - we HCQ'd, Zithromax'd, and Zinc'd our way out of C-19 and into natural Immunity. I believe critical thinking to be "evolution in action" these days. A collective raising of humanity's I.Q. is in process. IMHO...

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So many people want to say it's Trumps fault. I knew it had to be something like this.

Thank you brother!

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

That's such a weird argument. It implies there was no other way but vaccines. And yet here you are, survived the "virus" without a vaccine. The immune system would had taken care of it, 5 years or not.

Everything from lockdowns to vaccines and masks was a psyop to establish the foundation for the new normal. Where you don't have rights, but conditional privileges. Trump is a useful idiot at best, and a deceiving charlatan at worst.

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