I can be the Boss of Me, not you ! I firmly believe that President Trump has been on a mission to save Humanity since before 2015 . He came into the political arena on his own not with the pomp & circumstance of the RNC or the DNC, He paid his own way until the Primaries, He took no Pay, He fought political onslaughts against Him & His family everyday for 7 years now, He lost some of his personal fortune during his Presidency but, He Got Shit Done !!! I Salute Donald J Trump !!

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Thank you for making clear how it was his words that constantly get twisted. At the time I heard virus was not life threatening, I had a strong distrust in vaccines and there were other options available if you became very sick. I always figured there was more going on behind the scenes as to why he saved millions of lives and we would get the explanation. Your article is a common sense explanation and wish all those people that focus on him pushing the vaccine would stop and think logically. Have a very liberal friend who told me Trump said to drink bleach. I said no he didn't. She said I heard the interview, and I said so did I. Conversation stopped.

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Spot on Paul! The very reasons my wife & I remain unvaxxed. Besides - we HCQ'd, Zithromax'd, and Zinc'd our way out of C-19 and into natural Immunity. I believe critical thinking to be "evolution in action" these days. A collective raising of humanity's I.Q. is in process. IMHO...

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So many people want to say it's Trumps fault. I knew it had to be something like this.

Thank you brother!

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

That's such a weird argument. It implies there was no other way but vaccines. And yet here you are, survived the "virus" without a vaccine. The immune system would had taken care of it, 5 years or not.

Everything from lockdowns to vaccines and masks was a psyop to establish the foundation for the new normal. Where you don't have rights, but conditional privileges. Trump is a useful idiot at best, and a deceiving charlatan at worst.

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No need to put virus in scare quotes - it was very real and the numbers coming out of Wuhan were scary. 210 territories around the world all simultaneously shat themselves and took precautions. We didn't know at the time that the immune system would have taken care of it, especially since it was the fastest spreading pandemic in history.

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